Virtual compressors of an underground gas storage facility
The objective is to develop an interactive training and demonstration system based on virtual reality (VR) technologies for the training of maintenance and repair personnel at an automobile gas-filling compressor station.Результат
- A realistic three-dimensional model of the compressed natural gas (CNG) filling station has been developed, with a comprehensive analysis of the compressor equipment block and auxiliary systems.
- User action scenarios, developed at the Higher School of Power Engineering of the SPbPU Institute of Energy based on the current regulations for personnel at CNG filling stations, have been integrated into the software component.
- Two versions of the application have been created, one for use with virtual reality (VR) equipment and the other for use on a conventional personal computer (PC).
Virtual compressors of a gas filling station
The objective is to develop an interactive training and demonstration system based on virtual reality (VR) technologies for the training of maintenance and repair personnel at an automobile gas filling compressor station.
- A realistic three-dimensional model of the compressed natural gas (CNG) filling station has been developed, with a comprehensive analysis of the compressor equipment block and auxiliary systems.
- User action scenarios, developed at the Higher School of Power Engineering of the SPbPU Institute of Energy based on the current regulations for personnel at CNG filling stations, have been integrated into the software component.
- Two versions of the application have been created, one for use with virtual reality (VR) equipment and the other for use on a conventional personal computer (PC).
VR training on a virtual gas pumping unit
VR application for providing SPbPU students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the safe and efficient operation of gas pumping units at compressor stations, in accordance with regulatory, technical and occupational standards.Результат
- Three-dimensional models of a gas pumping unit and auxiliary equipment of a typical compressor station with the possibility of interactive interaction have been developed.
- The application incorporates user operation scenarios oriented to the production functions of a compressor unit operator and, to a limited extent, that of a compressor station shift engineer.
VR lab for modeling portal crane operation
Development of an interactive training and demonstration system based on VR technologies for studying the design and operational characteristics of a portal craneРезультат
- A 3D model of a portal crane and operation scenarios have been developed to study the kinematics and power factors in articulated jib systems.
- The application incorporates a mathematical model developed by SPbPU HST IMMT, which is based on the analysis of the regularities in the motion of crane components and their respective load distributions.
- It is possible to select input parameters and visualize mathematical model output data in real-time mode.
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