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About the laboratory

Since 2004, the Laboratory of Industrial Systems for Streaming Data Processing of the SPbPU National Technology Initiative Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (NTI Center)  has been engaged in Hi-Tech research and commercial developments in the sphere of algorithms and systems for data collection and analysis. The research results are employed in the creation of analytical information systems for companies interested in business digitalization and seeking to use advanced technologies in industry, agriculture, construction, medicine, IT, housing and communal services, etc. We develop software and hardware systems for such customers as Gazpromneft, Vodokanal - St. Petersburg, KNS Group (YADRO), Plaza Lotus Group, Siemens, Philips and others. The project is co-sponsored by authoritative Russian and foreign academic organizations and laboratories. Many developments are co-financed by state funds for the development of technological innovations - the federal target program "Research and Development 2014-2020", the BRICS multilateral research initiative, the Foundation for the Promotion of Innovation, the programs of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Russian Science Foundation. Priority areas of our research and development:
  • Systems for collecting and processing video surveillance data: detection, localization, classification of objects, detection of events.
  • Systems for collecting and processing the results of laser scanning and photography: hybrid data processing, bim-modeling.
  • Multisensory data acquisition and processing systems: monitoring the state of objects and the environment, predictive analytics.
Our team comprises over 60 experienced specialists who are competent in the modern techniques, tools and services to solve the most complex technical problems using advanced IT technologies. The laboratory is part of the NTI Center, a leading competence center of the Russian National Technological Initiative, a major project consortium in the field of “New Production Technologies” (digital design and modeling, digital twins, new materials, additive technologies), established on the basis of the innovation ecosystem of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.


Начало работы научной группы
В структуре Объединенного научно-технологического института создана межинститутская научно-исследовательская лаборатория «Алгоритмы и системы потоковой обработки данных» (МНИЛ «АСПОД»)
МНИЛ «АСПОД» включена в структуру Центра НТИ СПбПУ с названием «Промышленные системы потоковой обработки данных» Центра НТИ СПбПУ
Лаборатория вошла в состав Научного центра мирового уровня «Передовые цифровые технологии» СПбПУ
Лаборатория вошла в число подразделений Передовой инженерной школы СПбПУ «Цифровой инжиниринг» с названием «Промышленные системы потоковой обработки данных» ПИШ СПбПУ


The ISSDP laboratory is included in the project on creating a digital platform and introduction of advanced technologies at the Roskar Poultry Factory

The head of the ISSDP laboratory Marina Bolsunovskaya became one of the key participants in the SPbPU working group, which will begin working on a digital platform for advanced production technologies in the egg and meat poultry farming developed within the framework of the Leningrad Region project on industrial leadership in the agro-industrial complex.

Laboratory specialists took part in the Russia-Africa Economic Forum

On October 23-24, 2019, Sochi hosted the Summit and the Russia-Africa Economic Forum. Specialists from the Laboratory «Industrial Systems of Streaming Data Processing», SPbPU NTI Center, attended the Economic Forum.

The joint projects of the PSPOD Laboratory and Plaza Lotus Group were presented at the meeting “IT-solutions for development or technology investments”

On October 17, 2019, the projects of the Laboratory of Industrial Data Streaming Systems (PSPOD) of the SPbPU NTI Center were presented at a business meeting on “IT Solutions for Development or Technology Investment” addressing the use of digital technologies for the enhancement of project implementation.




The choice of technologies is made with the account of the main trends of world development, based on the priority of network technologies concentrated around a person as an end user.

Программные инструменты и технологии

Software programming languages and frameworks

PHP, Javascript, C/C++, Python, Delphi/Object Pascal, QT, Java, Kotlin, C#, Assembler, Rust, Go, RabbitMQ AMQP, Verilog, SystemVerilog, Flutter/Dart, Kotlin, Swift, Hibernate, Maven, Swagger


Windows, Windows Embedded, Linux, Android, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3, MacOS, Unix, Astra Linux


Git, Mercurial, SVN (including on Github, Gitlab, Atlassian Bitbucket), CVS, ClearCase


Gitlab CI/CD, Jenkins, TeamCity, Travis, CircleCI


MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, InterBase, MongoDB, RocksDB, SQLite, DGraph, MariaDB, Neo4J


Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, Embarcadero RAD Studio, Intellij iDEA, IAR, GoLand, Visual Studio Code, Qt Creator, Intel Quartus Prime, AVR Studio

Graphics applications

API OpenGL, DirectX, Irrlicht, libGDX, OGRE, Unity, Vulkan

Wireless technologies

Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE), Wi-Fi

Microcomputer software on x86 and ARM microprocessors

Jetson TX1/2, OLinuXino A20, Cubieboard A80, Raspberry Pi and others; microprocessors and controllers: Cortex-M (STM32), STM8, AVR, TI 8051, Xilinx Zynq-7000; interfaces and protocols: UART, I2C, SPI, Modbus and others.

Reverse engineering

IDA + HexRays, OllyDbg, Volatility framework, HIEW, Miasm framework, Reflector + Reflexil, WinDBG, Wireshark


OpenCV, OpenCL, GLM, Modbus, Boost, Zlib, Live555, ffmpeg, libx264, libjpeg, Alamofire


Docker, Docker-compose, Kubernetes, EFK


BLoC, RxDart, Coordinator pattern


Autodesk Fusion 360, DipTrace


SSE/AVX, parallel processing, spatial partitioning

Software programming languages and frameworks

PHP, Javascript, C/C++, Python, Delphi/Object Pascal, QT, Java, Kotlin, C#, Assembler, Rust, Go, RabbitMQ AMQP, Verilog, SystemVerilog, Flutter/Dart, Kotlin, Swift, Hibernate, Maven, Swagger


Windows, Windows Embedded, Linux, Android, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3, MacOS, Unix, Astra Linux


Git, Mercurial, SVN (including on Github, Gitlab, Atlassian Bitbucket), CVS, ClearCase


Gitlab CI/CD, Jenkins, TeamCity, Travis, CircleCI


MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, InterBase, MongoDB, RocksDB, SQLite, DGraph, MariaDB, Neo4J


Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, Embarcadero RAD Studio, Intellij iDEA, IAR, GoLand, Visual Studio Code, Qt Creator, Intel Quartus Prime, AVR Studio

Graphics applications

API OpenGL, DirectX, Irrlicht, libGDX, OGRE, Unity, Vulkan

Wireless technologies

Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE), Wi-Fi

Microcomputer software on x86 and ARM microprocessors

Jetson TX1/2, OLinuXino A20, Cubieboard A80, Raspberry Pi and others; microprocessors and controllers: Cortex-M (STM32), STM8, AVR, TI 8051, Xilinx Zynq-7000; interfaces and protocols: UART, I2C, SPI, Modbus and others.

Reverse engineering

IDA + HexRays, OllyDbg, Volatility framework, HIEW, Miasm framework, Reflector + Reflexil, WinDBG, Wireshark


OpenCV, OpenCL, GLM, Modbus, Boost, Zlib, Live555, ffmpeg, libx264, libjpeg, Alamofire


Docker, Docker-compose, Kubernetes, EFK


BLoC, RxDart, Coordinator pattern


Autodesk Fusion 360, DipTrace


SSE/AVX, parallel processing, spatial partitioning

Аппаратные инструменты и технологии

  • GPU
  • Microcontroller control systems
  • Microprocessor embedded systems
  • FPGA
  • Development for ARM, design of analog-to-digital devices, circuits, printed circuit boards


KNS group LLC (Yadro)

Higher School of Ecomonics

The Health Committee of St. Petersburg

Plaza Lotus Group

Fund for Innovation Promotion

Lectorium LLC

Neuromatix LLC

Orion Mediс CJSC

City hospital No. 40 of the Kurortny district of Saint Petersburg


Amdor JSC

Graduate School of Industrial Economics, IIMET, SPbPU

Brusnika LLC

Russian Foundation for Basic Research

North-West research center of Hygiene and Public Health of Rospotrebnadzor

Gazprom PJSC

Gazprom Neft PJSC

Tetrakub LLC

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR)

Computer Engineering Centre (CompMechLab®), Advanced Engineering School, SPbPU

Linux Format LLC

Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology

Education Department of the City of Lappeenranta (Finland)


Our team comprises over 70 experienced specialists who are competent in the modern techniques, tools and services to solve the most complex technical problems using advanced IT technologies.


Project managers

Software Development Team

Hardware Development Team

Analytics Team

VR Development Team

Neural Network Technology Team

Digital Modeling Team

Support and Promotion Team

Вакансий не найдено

Лаборатория «Промышленные системы потоковой обработки данных» ПИШ СПбПУ

Санкт-Петербург, ул. Политехническая, д. 29, к. 11 Научно-исследовательский корпус СПбПУ

+7 (812) 980-11-31

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