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SPbPU experts have developed a digital platform for the Russian regional innovation system


A joint team comprising the Industrial Systems for Streaming Data Processing Laboratory of the SPbPU AES, the Digital Modeling of Industrial Systems Laboratory of the SPbPU AES, and the Graduate School of Engineering and Economics of the SPbPU Institute of Industrial Management, Economics, and Trade has developed a digital platform for the advancement of the Russian regional innovation system.

The developed platform offers a visual representation of the data pertaining to the dynamics of innovation indicators across 85 regions of the Russian Federation. The data is accessed via an interactive digital map of the regions. Each region is represented by a separate page, which contains comprehensive data on the structure and value of the index of innovation development of regions, as well as cluster analysis. In this context, the term ‘cluster’ is used to describe the formation of associations between multiple production companies operating within the same industry, situated within a particular region. These clusters may be classified according to their specific industry, such as an ‘entertainment’ cluster or a ‘construction’ cluster.

The platform enables the tracing of the dynamics of employment changes in individual clusters, as well as the calculation of the cluster’s contribution to the region’s total employment. Cluster functioning is analyzed using the original methodology for identifying and analyzing cluster characteristics, which was developed by experts from the Graduate School of Engineering and Economics of the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics, and Trade.

‘The objective was to develop a functional tool that is user-friendly and comprehensible for the widest possible range of users. To this end, a combined approach to visualizing statistical data was employed, incorporating a variety of interactive elements, including a map of regions and dynamic diagrams of cluster structure changes,’ said Alexei Gintciak, Head of the Digital Modelling of Industrial Systems Laboratory at the ‘Digital Engineering’ Advanced Engineering School of SPbPU.

In addition to facilitating the visualization of statistical data on the innovation development of regions, the digital platform can be employed as a tool for the analysis and prediction of the dynamics of innovation indicators, as well as their mutual influence on each other and on the innovation system as a whole. Innovation indicators are a means of evaluating the contribution of research organizations, universities, government, and business to the innovation development of a region. They also assess the level of economic and social development, as well as the extent of digitalization among public and private entities. To illustrate, this is an approach that can be used to estimate the impact of increased innovation activity among research organizations on business and the share of digitalization. The additional features of the platform can be accessed via the user’s personal account.

‘The developed platform is relevant not only for research and development by our industrial partners, including Gazprom Neft PJSC, but also for individual enterprises as a tool that provides an analytical basis for making optimal strategic decisions based on industry constraints and dynamic predictions,’ said Marina Bolsunovskaya, head of the Industrial Systems for Streaming Data Processing Laboratory of the ‘Digital Engineering’ Advanced Engineering School of SPbPU, Ph.D. in Engineering, associate professor.

The online version of the platform is accessible via the following link:

The project was financed by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 20-78-10123).